Friday, November 30, 2012

Grey Tree Frog

Gray tree frog, from the tail end of the Museum of Science in Boston's Butterfly Room.

Not Dead, not even close

mos butterfly

I spent November finishing NaNoWriMo, and kind of put off everything else. I'm also in the holiday schedule at work, and it being retail suddenly have more shifts then normal, most of them being nights ending around midnight. I'll be freer in January, so may be missing for a bit of December as well.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tiny Plant, Big Flower

This grew from a pair of pads that my cat was nice enough to knock of one of my christmas cacti. The flower is larger then the plant's pot. I think this one is less than a year old, but I do not keep excellent notes like I should. There are at least two other buds, but this is my first christmas cactus flower of the season. I do have paperwhites blooming as well. My giant older cactus needs to be re-potted desperately, and I may suck it up and do it now though it may not bloom this year. It's so unhappy it may not bloom anyway.

I'm doing NaNoWriMo again so I expect updates will be just as infrequent as they have been.