Monday, December 31, 2012

Dog Number Two

Dog Deuce Snowy

I should mention that when I bring my camera downstairs in the morning one of my dogs goes absolutely nuts, dancing and whining as if I have a steak in my hands. There may be hot dogs or other dog treats used in these photos, and they may spend a lot of time staring up at me trying to convince me they're cute enough for a treat. My sister's dog Deuce.Dog Deuce Snowy

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snowy Dog

Snowy Toka Dog

Finally some snow that stuck around. Christmas is over, so my rush of working is waning. My family that was visiting has all gone home, and I just got my house back to clean. Time for a new year to begin and for me to get out and photograph something other then the dogs.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Linear Frosted Leaf

frost leaf linear
Last one for a bit. More frost, though of a different type. This stuff occurs near the driveway, and just dusts items, rather than covering it in fuzz.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Untouched Leaf

frost leaf

In one are of the yard the frost tends to crawl under items. I flipped this leaf after and the entire undersize was covered in frost, but the top was clear.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Frosty Grass

frosted grass

A note on scale. The longest frost is maybe 1/2" long, so this isn't a very large area at all. The whole photo is in the space of a few square inches. I'm using ambient light, a tripod, and a remote to keep the camera from shaking. the settings were a 1/2 sec shutter speed with an f stop of 13. ISO was set to 200. I tend to set the f stop and let the camera decide about the shutter speed, unless they're coming out too dark.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More Frost

frost leaves

Different parts of my yard grow different frost. The back near the rock wall cultivates longer frost chains and hangs around the longest since a fence shelters it from the sun.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Frosty Weekend

frosty leaf

Saturday arrived and I didn't need to work when the frost was available. The last few weeks I'd notice we had a frost as I was rushing around trying to get to work. I have a few furtive shots I took with my point and shoot in thee five minutes lee way I have between getting up, feeding the dogs, feeding myself, getting the dogs out and back in, dressing for work and making my lunch. None of them were very good and since I didn't have time to do better I was getting frustrated. Here's the week of photos to make up for it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I won NanoWriMo, meaning I finished my 50,000 words.

mos bullfrog

I won NanoWriMo, meaning I finished my 50,000 words. However, work isn't letting up and for whatever reason I decided to make everyone's Christmas gifts this year and that seems to be eating my extra time. I'll see what I can do about posting pictures, but since my free time has disappeared after Christmas is the best bet for daily photo resumption.