Monday, April 4, 2011

Char the Corn Snake

Charcoal Corn Snake
Charcoal Corn Snake
In August of 2003 I was working at a chain pet store. I'd already brought home a few critters (leopard gecko and ball python about that time I think), but I really wanted a corn snake. One day a batch of hatchling corn snakes arrived. Half sold out that day to employees. I picked out a pretty gray one as I hadn't researched morphs at all and liked the colors, I got first pick as I was unloading the box. That gray corn snake baby grew up to be Char, my favorite snake. He or she (I'm not interested in breeding so never have the sex checked) is approaching 5 feet now and is on a bit of a diet as he is just too good about eating. This snake refused food exactly once. I dropped a defrosted mouse on his head and he went on strike for a week. He will be 8 years old this July (guessing based on date of arrival in store and standard hatch times) or so. I've had this snake longer then I've had my dogs. While I have five snakes there are only two I will never be re-homing. I like the other three, however if I had to give up some they would be going first as I am nowhere near as attached as I am with Char and Bruce (my first ball python).

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