Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Unbelievably Good Dog

So, Tuesday morning while being coerced (read told repeatedly then dragged so she'll stop whining at me and bouncing around) out of my bedroom Toka got a toenail stick in the threshold of the door. I thought is was just a broken nail and after getting her to stop bleeding all over the house (really, everywhere), wrapped it up to keep out the dirt until I could check it and put a dog boot on it. I got stuck working and finally looked it over last night. Mind you she hasn't been touching it, or chewing on it, and wasn't limping. I cut the wrap off and found she actually split one of her nails and has to go to the vet, to have it dealt with. That's not the interesting part for me.

My dog, who needs to be sedated for vet visits so she doesn't injure herself or anyone else, put up with standing in my bathtub with her injured foot in a bucket of water, for quite a while. She put up with my poking and prodding to get all the dried blood off so I could actually see her foot. She let me dry it, wrap it back up and put the boot back on and has gone back to ignoring her foot. I expected her to pull the boot off the moment she was left alone. I'm extremely impressed with her behavior. There was some grumbling, and I did need two people (thanks Mom!) to put the first wrap on, but wow.

She did just start limping this morning and at this moment is sleeping the sleep of the drugged while I wait for vet appointment time to come. (last time it took over three hours for her to start falling asleep, this time it was barely an hour, I might ask about lowering her dosage so she freaks me out less, she'll still be a little loopy tonight I expect.)

Update: $55 later the nail is clipped and the dog is fine.

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