Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Down to 1 (okay really 3) Fish Tanks

A number of years ago I got a 75 gallon fish tank for my living room. Fast forward to now. I finally put all my little peaceful fish in it (pic tomorrow.) This was the plan all along, I just got sidetrack4d a few months ago by having to remove my two aggressive fish from my kitchen. They went in the 75, and all the really small fish I had disappeared. This of course required setting up two other smaller tanks, one for my evil cichlid, and one for the evil catfish. (If I put them together in a small space I'll end up with only one fish.) This meant I got to take down the java fern infested one in my bedroom. The best part is how little the fish seem to have been stressed. All of them were back to full color within a half hour.

As to the evil cichlid and catfish. The catfish is destined to hang out in his tank for a few weeks, and when I'm sure he isn't stressed he's getting swapped to the good fish store a few towns away. The cichlid will be living in his little tank until he dies, unless I find the pond fish didn't survive the winter in which case he will be going outside.

Downside of all of this is while I was draining the java fern tank I found fish fry, well only one. It is now in a little plastic box floating around the big tank. We'll see how it survives. At the moment it is so small I'm not sure exactly what kind of fish it is.

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