Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pliosaur (Lipleurodon)

Pliosaur toy invicta

Yesterday, I spent some time digging through my parent's attic. I finally took home the biggest container of my critter toys. Other then thinking the money might have been better spent on college, I do have fond memories of the critters. I have an extensive collections of dinosaur, horse and mythical creature toys from the 80's and early 90s. I would have more from the late 90s, but at that point it would be with my own money, so I have fewer but nicer ones. The one pictured today was actually one of my later purchases. I bought it at Utah Field House of Natural History Museum in Utah I think in 98. The bottom is stamped A PLIOSAUR (Lipleurodon) Length about 8 metres. British Museum of Natural history 1989. Invicta plastics Ltd. Leicester England. I bought it because I couldn't believe they were still making these toys.

I had a number of hard plastic dinosaur toys of this same style. A quick web search shows that plenty of people collected them. I'm actually missing the more common critters, but I have many fond memories of my ridiculously heavy Brachiosaurus, which I beat half to death while playing.

I'm likely going to box the critters back up as soon as I weed out the ones I really don't like. I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do with them after that. I do have a few that are still missing I need to dig up as well, I hate to have any missing.

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