Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seeming Lazy

My desktop computer has been making me nervous for a few weeks now. I keep not taking photos and not wanting to post as whenever I access files it starts acting like it might not be able to find them. I'm spending today backing up to a secondary hard drive, (since my standard one has also been giving me issues since June) and then running some diagnostics to see if I can figure out what it's problem is, hopefully not the hard driv3e itself. The monitor has been acting up too, it's 6-7 years old, but since it's doing it at the same time as the computer I'm not happy. This computer is only a few years old. It took me a while to figure out the root of my unease with photographing. If I can take photos, but can't be completely sure they aren't going to disappear it just makes me nervous and unhappy. Of course I use Carbonite too, but it's still recovering from my June trip to Utah, auto upload backups just can't keep up with me I suppose. It still has 10 gb to go... I've been polurethaning the scratched up patches of my hardwood floors. Talkabout a pain. It is ending up looking a little odd, but I hope the poly will yellow the bare patches to the amber of the rest of the floor. If nothing else the bare spots can't absorb water anymore, though it does look a bit like parts of the floor melted in some places.

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