Monday, December 13, 2010

Baking Bread

So yesterday I attempted to bake bread again. My goal is sandwich bread to replace my expensive whole wheat bread from whole foods. So far no chance. Technically my goal is also related to budget considerations. The first loaf was from a recipe on King Arthur Flours website. Either I screwed it up or their recipe really requires their flour. This is what came out of the oven. it looks very little like their picture. A chunk disappeared while I was getting something. I almost ended up with a dead dog. The other dog was quite happy with the quarter loaf he got due to the others overactive feeding response. It tasted fine, but it is crumbly and won't stand up to sandwiches, and barely stands up to buttering. I made a second one, but it came out largely the same. I then, around 9PM started my last loaf. I'd set up a starter 8 hours before and made this bread from Amy's Bread. It looks like sandwich bread, it cuts and holds up kind of like it. I left it to cool for 7 hours, that's what happens when you finish it at 1:44 AM. The only downside is it actually tastes rather like Italian Bread. Apparently I need some sweetener in my breads. The raisins were supposed to be in an attractive swirl. That really didn't work either.

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