Friday, December 3, 2010

Resuscitating Houseplants

A few months ago when I though I might be moving I liquidated most of my houseplants. They were listed for free on craigslist, and some people were nice enough to pick them up. I kept 6 or so that I was more attached to. I then proceeded to neglect most of them to near death. The two in my bedroom were doing fine, but the few I stuck under lights have been frying. I pulled them out yesterday to figure out what was going on.
The first is a very old african violet. I've had it for probably 8 or more years now. On fiddling with it I realized it now had two crowns and the root system had rotted off. This isn't really a problem for african violets. I had to drag out some dirt I microwaved a few months ago (the only potting soil I know the location of) and re-pot the original crown and the new crown and stuck them in zipper bags. I ended up with tons of extra leaves, so being a plant idiot I popped them in some more available dirt and in 6 weeks or so will have more little clones. I expect I've just been cooking my black jewel orchid as it keeps dropping leaves for no apparent reason. The other truly abused plant is a 3 year old amaryllis I grew from seed in 2007. I had never re-potted it. So yesterday I nicely removed all its dead roots and gave it new dirt and a new pot.
I still have a begonia with just 1 leaf I'm not sure what to do with, but I'm not completely sure why I kept it in the first place, so it may be bound for craigslist.

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