Thursday, June 9, 2011

Apocalypse Clouds

dark clouds
We've been having some strange weather in MA the last few weeks. It's either pouring or extremely hot. Tonight I spend a chunk of my time in the public library (free air conditioning and wifi). I decided it was time to leave when it started to get very dark early. I got outside and the clouds were unbelievable (and I cursed myself for not getting my camera before I went out), Dark gray and boiling across the sky at speed. By the time I got home the bright white line at the beginning of the clouds had almost vanished, and the lightning had arrived. This is a view across the street from my house. The only touch-up is setting the camera -2/3 of a stop to be able to see the gray details. The clouds really were that menacing. Then it poured off and on for a few hours.

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