Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Potential Plants

cheap clematis
When I've had luck with a plant I hve a tendency to buy more of its type. Clematis are a little weakness of mine. Every year I think I won't get more, and as soon as the Spring bulbs go on clearance there I am getting more. Each of these packages actually had two chunks of roots in them, and they were half price, so I paid $6.98 for 4 plants. As clematis in bloom can go or $8-$30 I can't help myself. I picked up two tritoma and another peony as well, even though the peonies from previous years haven't gotten large enough to bloom yet.

I did talk myself out of hostas, some ferns (only because I don't want any ore christmas ferns and that is what my last set of ostrich ferns turned into), and day lilies. All are plants you can buy in bags and have reasonable chances of survival after 6 months of no care, provided they didn't get too wet, too dry, or too cold. Hostas and day lillies should have at least sprouts in the bag, avoiding any thing with fungus. Most roots should be firm not squishy or dry. For many the cost gets down to about $1 a plant. Not bad with species that will survive.

1 comment:

Realized Plants | Mia Woodman Photography said...

[...] cheap roots I got a few weeks ago are now sprouting, well, all but one of them. I seem to have 3 clematis, 2 red hot poker, and 1 big [...]