Friday, October 7, 2011


I'm still doing some fall cleanup, and just chopped all the hosta seed stalks. I labeled them with little sticky notes, and just need to put them in bags. I found a leather fern frond with ripening spores to bring inside, and the garlic chive seeds are just about ready (see above), and I had to cut a few down to move the plant indoors so I'll see how they ripen. I spent a few hours yesterday making little packets to store my saved seeds in so I can get them in airtight jars too. Now I have to make a few more.

Garden Note: Yesterday was the first frost warning and the tomato plant did fine with a blanket over it. The next week has night temps in the high 50's with daytime in the 70's, so hopefully that will help it along. The peas (blooming) and lettuce survived fine under plastic. I dug up some of both kinds of chives and need to decide if trimming the normal chives is worth it. At the moment they're very long and floppy. The chives came in as my mother discovered my failure to make cream cheese results in a cottage cheese she likes, and she prefers chives in cottage cheese. I also swiped a coleus cutting from a big planter outside at the mall and put it in water. I don't feel that guilty since winter will kill the whole plant in a few weeks anyway. There were two red dragonflies circling the yard this afternoon as well.

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