Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cat Bed

cat nightstand
I'm on a little reorganization kick. My goal is removing clutter and adding space to my house. Getting things into drawers or cabinets so I don't have to dust is an extra goal. I moved my bed and finally have space in my bedroom for my bed, two dog beds and a cat bed without tripping all over them. The cat bed is actually stuck inside my nightstand. The nightstand had two drawers but the bottom one was useless (read full of junk), so I removed it and the drawer slide and put the cat bed in there. She seems quite happy about the arrangement. When spring rolls around I'm going to take it outside and alter it with both a paint job and some structural changes to the top (glue on cork). Next up is reworking my desk so I actually have a work surface, storage and my computer will be a bit better protected from dust, dirt and dog hair.

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