Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daylight Savings Time and the Night

I loathe Daylight Savings Time. Unlike, I guess a large majority, I don't have to get up early. I get up around 8, and get home from work around 5. I was perfectly happy with the sun coming up around 8, because it meant I didn't have to commute home in the dark every freaking day. I hate driving in the dark. Everyone drives slower, can't see as well, and the whole thing makes me nervous. So to compensate I go directly home from work leaving me with huge amounts of time to fill with something. Even if I go anywhere after work I still feel like I need to get home because it's dark... To make it more fun, neither of my dogs can read a clock, for about two weeks I get to wean their dinner time back to something normal. And they still want to go out an hour earlier now in the morning. This is the light levels if I'm lucky when I get out of work.

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