I have two crested geckos and a white's tree Frog that live on critter bedding, basically shredded coconut fiber. Technically for their safety they should all live on paper towels so they don't ingest bedding while chasing down crickets. I got tired of watching the crested gecko trying to spit out bedding when he missed, so was about to switch them all to paper towels. The problem I have with paper towels is keeping the humidity high enough while using them. The bedding doesn't have as many mold problems when damp.
I considered for a minute and decided maybe in could trap the crickets in something. Which led to the bowl training. I have 6 inch wide, 4 inch deep white bowls in their cages now. The crickets can get out of them if you let the bowl get dirty, but otherwise they get trapped by the smooth sides. I wasn't sure the critters would get it, but now if you open the cage they sit watching the bowl waiting for their crickets. I'm quite happy with the result. I also got my crested geckos to drink out of bowls by using deep ones with rocks in them.
Too bad deep bowls don't work for my leopard geckos, they're so much happier on sand or dirt than paper towels.
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