Sunday, June 28, 2009

Moose Hill Meandering

When the sun crept out on Friday morning I went frog hunting. I found some other things, but one nice Green Frog, Friday's Daily photo, and this Pickerel Frog fulfilled my main goals. Oddly enough both frogs were on the boardwalk on the Billings Loop which is by far my favorite trail at moose hill. Since it's been alternately drizzling or pouring for more than a week the water was as high as I've seen it outside of winter. Before this I had rarely seen frogs even near the boardwalk. The closest I normally get is hearing a peep before they disappear. I guess the higher water level is making it easier for them to access the boardwalk. I spotted a water snake on it last week during another slight break in the weather. I haven't really been seeing dragonflies which I'm finding disappointing. I'm getting a little better with focusing on my 100 mm macro lens. The secret seems to be using a big flash even in bright sunlight, meaning it's great that it can open to 2.8, but I can never keep it steady enough to focus on that tiny slice, so really need the f stop around 5 or so to really get what I consider focused. The flash I'm using is quite old, ie was used with a canon AE-1. Oddly enough it still works quite well, and lasts for days with nimh batteries.

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