Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday in The Garden

^Cat mint^
^Another mutt Viola^
^more of the Orange Coneflower^ ^Pea^ ^Clematis^ There are quite a few more, but due to this mornings rain I might need to add them later. Rain cleared for enough time, here are the rest for today. ^Monkshood A. napellus^ ^Strawberries, so far 100 picked and climbing^ ^Clematis 'Harlow carr'^ ^Lady's Mantle^ ^Blanketflower with bug^ ^Dianthus^ ^double hydrangea, 6 bucks for the distressed plant, should bloom nicely later^ ^Spirea unsure of kind, it was a gift^ ^Dianthus^ ^Purple something, I can never tell these apart, might be speedwell^ ^First Yarrow of the Season^ Others just starting to bloom or in bud include Astilbe, Jasione 'blue light', Shasta Daisy, a surprise Rose Champion (thought it was lambs ears), several kinds of Milkweed, Delphinium, Stella d'Oro Daylily, Purple Coneflowers and one mutt hosta. Still blooming are a fringed bleeding heart, wild columbine, mutt violas everywhere.

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