Monday, July 18, 2011

Common Whitetail Dragonfly

common whitetail dragonfly - male
As someone may have noticed I was on Cape Cod for most of last week. While technically I was on a family vacation I also took some hiking time and stalked dragonflies. I have a number of new excellent photos and am quite happy with my vacation. The above, a male common whitetail, is a personal favorite as I've been trying for years to get close to one of these guys. White tails often rest on the ground and as soon as you begin to approach fly four or so feet further down a trail. This behavior continues until they run out of trail and fly behind you to start in the other direction. This time I stood to the side of the trail near where I could see several fighting and waited. After 10 minutes or so one was nice enough to come visit. Once you're near them they aren't too flighty if you move slowly.

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