Friday, July 1, 2011

Crested Iris Propagation

At least a week ago I noticed my crested iris was trying to expand with new fans. This would be easy except it's sort of jam packed in a raised bed right against two sides. I noticed the new growth had 3 or 4 half inch roots each and thought I'd try treating them a little like bearded iris. I clipped out a few fans, and put them in some pots. I've been keeping them overly moist and the roots have been growing.

That led me to clipping off a few more fans and trying to root them in one pot. I love crested iris, but really don't have the funds to be spending money on plants, so this year everything with seeds or anything I can split or multiply an easier way is getting planted, split or clipped. Next Spring I have plenty of other housekeeping to do. Some of the older perennials have gone too long without being split, the delphinium especially.

Part Two Here.

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