Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sleeping Snake

char corn snake
While it's hard to tell this is a sleeping corn snake. Char is quite happy with his new larger cage and uses the entire space. I still need to seal the edges and drill some holes to attach his branches to the sides and back so he can really climb. He no longer looks too big for his cage.

I re homed a rescue ball python a few weeks ago and her new owners were amazed by Char's size. They'd seen the baby corn snakes at the store and found it hard to believe my 4 1/2 foot pet was the same species. As I always told people back when I worked at a pet store. Always consider the adult size of your pet. Corn Snakes get up to 6 feet long. They average 12"-14" in a pet store as babies. If you don't want a potentially 6 foot long snake, pick a different species.

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