Friday, April 13, 2012

Turk's Cap Lily Roots

turks cap lily bulb root
Well, it's not pretty, but I dug up a dozen or more of them today. I also managed to drag out a stump which has been the bane of the garden for a few years, but the Turk's Cap roots were more interesting. There were three times as many as I expected, and they ranged from about 6 inches deep to right on the surface. I transplanted them to three new places about 4 inches deep, and tried to keep them a little crowded so they will hopefully bloom this year. I potted up a few of the smallest roots just so I can keep a closer eye on them. The one pictured above is one of the smaller ones and went in a pot. The garden is maybe 70% to where I want it. I still have a few plants to move, a large spirea comes to mind, and now that I have more space I need to finish the new pond.

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