Monday, October 6, 2008

New Babies

Saturday I went to the Reptile Expo in NH. If you have any interest in reptiles I highly suggest the trip. The only thing you have to keep in mind if you're from MA is that a number of the animals for sale, most notably chameleons and monitor lizards are illegal in MA. I've been planning to go for a few years, but always forgot the dates and missed it. This year I promised myself in September I'd remember to go. It was great. The only place I've seen thousands of reptiles and only one or two injured or ill, unlike most stores with tons of injured and ill on display for sale. I mostly bought food (500 crickets for $6.00!!!), but I got two new critters. A baby crested gecko (hopefully female) and a female Okeetee corn snake hatchling. Both are already eating heartily.

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