Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Moose Hill Critters and Photo Ops
I mentally divide Moose Hill into 3 separate areas. Technically it's divided by roads as well. First is across the street from the parking lot and leads down into pine woods with a nice creek and old mill pond. The second area in just off the parking lot and leads off onto the vernal pool trails. All the way at the bottom there is a boardwalk through a swamp as well. The third section is the one I visit most often. It is across Moose Hill Street past the visitors center.
Area 1: Ovenbird Trail, Deer Trail, Hobbs Hill Loop, Kettle Trail, Pine Trail and Old Mill pond Trail. There is a pond on the Old Pond Trail, but it is quite shaded. I've seen frogs and some dragonflies, and once a turkey, but nothing more interesting in it. I've seen the largest number of snakes in the sanctuary in this area, with several on the Kettle Trail neat the creek. The lower portion of the Ovenbird Trail gets very muddy in the spring and by summer has lots of weeds growing in from the sides so becomes a tick heaven. There are lots of mosquitoes down here in summer as well as deer flies. There are fewer people in this section normally, so you might see more critters.
Area 2: Vernal pool loop. This where to go in May if you want to see Pink Slipper Orchids. I've seen more there than anywhere else in the sanctuary. This seems to be the least traveled area after the spring rush to look at frogs is over. You'll be teased by frogs calling from a bigger pool, but none of the trails actually go anywhere near the pond, just around it. Overall the trail is clear. There is a section about half way through the long part where ticks may become an issue but mostly it's mosquitoes you'll be seeing. I've seen deer on this trail but not much else.
Area 3: Billings Loop, Turkey Trail, Old Pasture Trail, Bluff Trail, Forest Trail, Summit Trail, Moose Hill Trail. The billings loop is the main boardwalk of the sanctuary, going write through the boggy areas. I rarely walk through without finding something to photograph. The fields off Billings Loop are where I see most of my favorite bugs and frogs. The Bluff Trail is kind of steep, but at the top is a view over toward Gillette Stadium. It's a nice overlook as long as you're ready to see lots of civilization. Not a bad cloud overlook either, but it takes a good 45 minutes to get up there from the parking lot. Old Pasture Trail often has critters on it and lots of fungus. I've found Forest Trail very nice and chock full of stuff I'd never seen before when i finally hiked it last fall.
Where to Find What:
Mule Deer, Chipmunks, Squirrels, Black-Capped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice - all three areas.
Turkeys - Turkey trail in area 3 is actually quite good as is the lower portions of area 1.
American Robin (esp in winter) - Area 3, Billing Loop area fields
Hummingbirds - Area 3 Billings loop trail fields and boardwalk, wear red and they'll come find you most of the time.
Ribbon and Grater Snakes - Area 1 down near the creek, or on the end of the Kettle Trail. Billings Loop boardwalk.
Water Snake - Area 3, so far only on the boardwalk on Billings Loop
Black Racer - Forest trail in Area 3 so far only.
Wood Frog - Area 3 Old Pasture trail, Summit Trail
Leopard Frog - Area 3 Billings Loop Boardwalk
Pickerel Frog - Area 3 early morning Billings Loop fields. (grass needs to still be wet with dew)
Bull Frog / Green Frog - Area 3 Billings Loop Boardwalk
Spring Peeper - Area 3 Old Pasture Trail, Rock Wall near parking lot
Gray Tree Frog - Island in Parking Area so far.
Dragonflies (Many Diff Kinds) - Area 3 Billings Loop boardwalk or fields, some down in area 1 near the pond also at the Island in Parking Area
Pink Slipper Orchids - Mid-May in Area 1 and 2, esp 2 on the Vernal pool Trail. They look like a pair of fuzzy leaves if they aren't going to flower. Normally found under pine trees.
Swamps with Boardwalks - Area 1 Old Pond Trail to Hobbs Hill Loop, Area 3 Billings Loop Tail
Interesting Ice - Area 1 Creek on Ovenbird Trail, Area 3 Billing Loop Boardwalk
Fungus - Area 1 most noticeably on ovenbird trail. Area 3 all over, Esp good on Turkey and Old Pasture Trails, Forest Tail is nice as well.
Feel Free to ask about any other things you might like to know where to find at Moose Hill.

MASS Audubon,
Moose Hill
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