Sunday, July 19, 2009

Garden in the Woods

Well, the dragonflies weren't quite as accommodating as they were yesterday, but I got some good pics. I even started spotting newts in the Lily Pond. Once you see the first one they're everywhere. This was my best attempt out of over 20 pics. Even in bright sunlight I couldn't get a good handheld shutter speed. Thankfully there were plenty of chances. I was disappointed that the Hop Brook Trail was closed due to storm damage, and it didn't say when it might be reopening. It is by far the best place to see Ebony Jewelwings (Calopteryx maculata). I found several on the other trails in the garden, but there was a huge number of them on that trail last year, and as the morning wears on the ones out in the garden start to vanish, I assume back to the trail. There were a lot of very friendly frogs there as well. It is actually my preferred place for frog pictures due to the number of children and amount of traffic the pond gets. the frogs will mostly sit still through just about anything. Most Mass Audubon sites the frogs are gone before you get within 10 feet. I'll admit it I really love these green bees. I first spotted one a few years ago in a Morning Glory, and just find them more fun to photograph than a standard bumblebee. There are apparently 4000 native bees in addition to the honeybee, so while crops will likely be collapsing with no honeybees, there will still be bees. I think this was labeled a Arctic Iris, or some such. I know I read it on the what's blooming board, but I forgot to check the label while I was there. I should find out though, as Iris are some of my favorite plants, and it's hard to add this to my collection if I don't know what it is. I'll probably try to go next weekend too as the Sweet Pepperbush is almost but not quite blooming.

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