Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

I wasn't very happy with how the low tides lined up during my vacation, but it worked out well enough. It made me feel much lazier than last year though with the low tides at 10 am, rather than 8. The lighting was also quite a bit harsher than I prefer. This is my favorite place to visit on the Cape, so I went twice. Once was during low tide, and the other was just to walk the Silver Spring Trail. Low tide is excellent for photography due to the number of accommodating fiddler crabs with burrows lining the path out to the boardwalk. A nice butterfly garden welcomes you into the sanctuary. This is probably an American Copper (Lycaena phlaeas). There are some red wing blackbirds nesting in the plants next to the bridge over Goose Pond. They were dive bombing people walking by, which made for good pictures if you stayed just far enough away. Last year there were hundreds of these guys crawling around, but I took much worse pictures. This year I only spotted one, but got a much better picture. For a size reference this guy is about 1/2 an inch long. This grass pattern I've seen all over the tidal areas. It isn't blowing in the wind, just stuck down in these patterns. I also like the first pond with its overlooks and the bridge you can find if you follow the Silver Spring Trail. Turtles were all over the place sunning themselves by floating on lily pads. The first of my zoomed in dragonflies. I was a good distance away from this guy.

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