Monday, September 28, 2009

Moose Hill - Part 1

I managed to get out of bed early, even though I really detest waking up while it's still dark. I made it to Moose Hill around 7:30. I was shooting for earlier, but anything before 8 is a victory for me. Half the point of getting up early is starting in October the parking lot won't open until 8. So I only have 2 more days of very early morning photos. The time the parking lot opens, and nice morning light only coexist nicely for a few weeks in the Spring and Fall. I found this neat purple edged fungus on the Billings Loop Swamp Walkway. There were also plenty of seasonal leaves just waiting for photos. It rained yesterday, so this early in the morning everything was covered in fine water droplets, with a soaked backdrop. The most prevalent thing to see today was fungus, dozens of different colors and types were on the sides of all the trails I walked. Moose Hill is where I learned a few years ago to make sure to turn around frequently to check what you night have missed on the other side of the last dead tree. Often times when I hike I completely miss birds or anything much above eye level. I think the only reason I haven't actually walked into a deer is at least they're paying attention to their surroundings. For several minutes this flicker stared down at me, along with a mob of blue jays and something that shrieked, which I don't think was a blue jay. I would have missed it without the shrieker. I found this monarch crawling around in the wet grass, so like the one in my yard it got transferred to some milkweed to dry out. By the way the one in my yard took off this afternoon. Everything was wet. I somehow managed to avoid wet socks this time. I saw several of these spiders. I only saw them in pine trees, but maybe I just wasn't observant. Standard whitish mushrooms, not much to tell. These were growing out of dead trees in patches on every trail. Things like this make me love my camera. Immediately below is the whole picture. Below that is one just cropped to center. I've always wondered what actually makes those round holes in mushrooms. Wonder if it's that guy or if he is being falsely accused. A nondescript spider. I saw tons of spiders like this one by following the spider silk lines off the sides of the trail before I walked into them. The rest will be posted tomorrow. I did spent over 4 hours there, so I took way too many pics.

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