Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today's Entertainment

I have a problem. I have lots of paperback books. At the moment they're stored in my attic in 4 foot wide book shelves I made as my first real wood project. By lots I mean twelve 4 foot wide shelves worth in four sets of 3 shelves each. They're so short due to the sloping ceiling all around the attic. Enter the empty wall in my bedroom, that since it has two doors on it can't be used for anything but a hallway. Several weeks ago I looked at it and saw a bookcase, floor to ceiling, full of paperbacks. I'd have to build in holes for a light switch and electrical outlet, but otherwise it was perfect. I also have to attach the whole thing to the wall.
The plans came out to having 10 shelves, about 52" wide, by an overall height of about 83". It took me three weeks to remember that 83" pieces of wood really do fit in my car. I love that I have a tiny car that fits as much as my old station wagon did. I ended up with five 10 foot 1" x 6" and two 12 foot 1" by 6". I got shelves cut out of the 10 footers, and the sides from the twelve footers, all other cuts will be on my miter saw. I got the bottom, sides, top and 5 shelves put together before the drill battery crapped out on me. No more work until tomorrow. I need more screws anyway.

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