Monday, February 28, 2011
Today Last Year
There wasn't much snow on the ground today last year. There were growing mushrooms so I expect it was warmer as well, though it is supposed to get to almost 50 F today. The rain will likely make it feel colder. I was flipping though last years photos, and flowering bulbs are only a few weeks away. The cold will be ending, and spring will arrive. The yard is now down to only 2 inches of compacted ice, or 6 inches of snow depending on whether the dogs can get to an area. Soon the season of mud will appear and I will yet again curse not digging up the yard last fall and planting new grass.
Friday, February 25, 2011
I really want a fast prime. I'm using my 100 mm 2.8 macro
When I have a full-time job again I need to pick up a 50mm f/1.8
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Snow Shadows
This is from back in January at Moose Hill. I managed to get there early enough to stare at tons of sparkling snow. There were whole fields full of dancing light every time I moved. Of course photographing the sparkling rarely works. You can see a tiny bit in the lower portion of the photo. This led me to watching the shadows. I love the rippling effect in the above photo. I also spotted some raccoon prints and multiple coyote prints the same day.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Daniel Webster - Back in January

Back in January when we were still getting weekly snow storms I drove out to Daniel Webster. I think I posted one photo from that trip then forgot about it. Now that I've moved my daily photo posts (see above) I need to get back to the hiking.

It was quite cold that day and I waited until almost noon to go out. Obviously this makes the pictures not spectacular, but my car can be iffy of snow and I wanted to let the plows clear the roads. I apparently didn't wait long enough as several roads in Marshfield were still covered in packed snow. At Danial Webster the parking lot had just been plowed and a woman and her daughter were shoveling out the entry building. The daughter actually asked if I was a biologist or something since I had snow shoes and had been the only person silly enough to show up. I dislike breaking trail. The main reason being it's exhausting. I prefer a slightly broken trail, so walking back wasn't too bad. The snow was drifting rather impressively however and within an hour my entry prints had been erased in several places. I do wish I had managed to get a photo of the blowing snow, but the angles were off.

I didn't see much in the way of wild life, a few standard winter birds and not much else. There weren't even any deer, but that is likely due to the time of day. The snow was deep enough the boardwalks were almost obscured. I missed go on my standard Secret Trail as I wasn't sure it would be accessible. The normal entrance to it was covered in snowy branches, and walking across the field to find out it was impassible would have been a waste.

The snow had piled up in plenty of strange shapes over weeks of freezing, thawing and wind.

It's amazing how snow can look so much like desert.
random note: I hate the posting interface here and I'm going to have to start doing these in HTML.
I've always loved cacti. I'm awful at keeping them alive, but I love the different shapes and spines each type sports. Their tendency to grow symmetrically is just an added bonus. This is of course another photo from NYBG. The back section of their conservatory houses cacti and other succulents. In the summer there is also a lovely pond in the courtyard of the conservatory full of lilies, lotus and koi.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tropical Water Lily
First post on my new blog. I spent the long weekend in New York and went to the New York Botanical Garden on Sunday morning. It was freezing outside, but the conservatory was pleasantly tropical. They are currently highlighting plants of the Caribbean, but are in the midst of setting up their annual orchid show. I toured that show last year and it was phenomenal though crowded. If you're anywhere near New York while the show is running be sure to visit. You won't be disappointed.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wordpress Again
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Daily Photo - Whoops
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Daily Photo - Cleaning

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Daily Photo - Games