This is a sampling of the dragonfly species I see most commonly while hiking between May and November in Eastern Massachusetts
Widow Skimmer - Libellula luctuosa (female pictured)I've had mixed luck with these guys. Most of them are content to perch while you creep closer, but some of them are nervous. I have not had a male sit still long enough to get a decent photo. They resemble the females a little with white on their wings outside of the brown and blueish black bodies.
Places I've seen them: Moose Hill in Sharon, Ponkapoag Pond in Canton, Waseeka in Hopkinton, Broadmoor in Natick.

Spangled Skimmer - Libellula cyanea (female above, male below)
The only dragonfly in the northeast with white on its wing tips makes this dragonfly easy to identify. The female is tan and black with the same white wing spots. Not too jumpy, females can often be found in clearings in the woods, with males over the water.
Places I've seen them: Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, Skunknett River in Barnstable, Wachusett Meadow in Princeton.

Common Pondhawk - Erythemis simplicicollis (female above, male below)
Green females, blue green males, green faces on all. These guys like landing very close and taking off just as you've focused. They seem to prefer sitting in the sun very close to the ground. Females more common farther from water, males common on the water.
Places I've seen them: Ponkapoag Pond in Canton, Broadmoor in Natick, Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, Borderland in Sharon, Waseeka in Hopkinton.

Twelve Spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella (male pictured)
I've seen exactly one of these guys. A very pretty dragonfly with alternating white and black patches on the wings.Females look much like female common whitetail, but stripes on side of tail are straight from the back, rather then chevroned.
Places I've seen them: Wachusett Meadow in Princeton, Broadmoor in Natick, Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown.

Common Whitetail - Plathemis lydia (female above, male below)
Conspicuous white tail and fleeing behavior. Females have patterned wings with brown and gold tail, same fleeing behavior. Easiest way to photograph is to stand near a common perch and wait. Female tail is brown with yellow broken stripes.
Places I've seen them: Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, Borderland in Sharon, North River in Marshfield, Waseeka in Hopkinton.

Slaty Skimmer - Libellula incesta (female above, male below)
Very common gray-blue dragonfly with dark eyes. Female is brown and tan, lacks the white spot on the wing otherwise looks much like female spangled skimmer.
Places I've seen them: Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, Ponkapoag Pond in Canton, Wachusett Meadow in Princeton, Waseeka in Hopkinton, Broadmoor in Natick.

Blue Dasher- pachydiplax longipennis (female above, male below)
Males bright blue-gray tail, yellow stripes on sides, bright green-blue eyes. Young males and females have yellow and black striped tails, with bi-color eyes. males are often seen over water fighting over territory, females and young males more common away from water.
Places I've seen them: Broadmoor in Natick, Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, My Back Yard, Ponkapoag pond in Canton, Waseeka in Hopkinton, they're very common.

Elfin Skimmer - Nannothemis bella (male pictured)
Male is gray blue, smallest dragonfly in North America. I've seen exactly one and it was flying very low to the bog trying to be inconspicuous.
Places I've seen them: Ponkapoag Pond Bog Walk in Canton.

Amberwing - Perithemis tenera (male pictured)
I've only seen these a few times, and so far they insist on staying far from shore. Maybe I should build a dock somewhere and see if I can get closer. Female is similar but wings are not all gold, they're patchy instead.
Places I've seen them: Ponkapoag Pond in Canton, Waseeka in Hopkinton, Hemlock Gorge in Newton.

Ruby Meadowhawk type - Sympetrum sp. (male pictured)
There are three or four species of these guys and some of them are hard to tell apart. Males are mostly bright red, with varying markings on their tail and different colored faces. Females are mostly orange brown with comparable markings.
Places I've seen them: Ponkapoag Pond in Canton, Broadmoor in Natick, My Back Yard, Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, Moose Hill in Sharon, Wachusett Meadow in Princeton, Broadmoor in Natick.

Dot-tailed Whiteface - Leucorrhinia intacta (male pictured)
I've spotted one of these only. Male looks much like a slaty skimmer though with a white face, white spot on tail, and is smaller. Female yellowish brown patterns, with slight club on end of tail.
Places I've seen them: Ponkapoag Pond in Canton, Supposed to be at Borderland in Sharon as well.

Calico Pennant - Celithemis elisa (male pictured)
I've seen one male. Nice red dragonfly with interesting wing patterns.Red and black body, reddish-brown wing markings.
Places I've seen them: Borderland in Sharon and Ponkapoag Pond in Canton.

Halloween Pennant - Celithemis eponinia (male pictured)
I found a pair of them in Hopkinton. Very pretty dragonflies. Females are slightly less coulorful, with wings that are yellower then the males
Places I've seen them: Park in Hopkinton.

Ringed Boghaunter - Williamsonia linteri (likely male pictured)
I just recently looked back at photos from two years ago and found a new dragonfly. Turns out they're considered endangered as well.
Places I've seen them: Upton State Forest in Upton.
Spahgnum Bluet - Nehalennia gracilis (male pictured)
I'm rarely talented enough to id damselflies, but I have a few dozen photos of these guys and they only matched one critter. Most were quite willing to sit still for a pic.
Places I've seen them: Upton State Forest in Upton, Ponkapoag Pond Bog Walk in Canton

Ebony Jewelwing - Calopteryx maculata (female above, male below)
My holy grail of damselflies. Males have black wings with an electric blue or green stripe down their tails, and edging the wings. Females are drabber with white spots on their wingtips.
Places I've seen them: Skunknett River in Barnstable (just sit on the bridge), Broadmoor in Natick, Stony Brook in Norfolk, Ponkapoag pond in Canton, My Back Yard, Garden in the Woods in Framingham.

Fragile Forktail - Ischnura posita (male pictured)
One of the green damselflies. Known for the double ! on its back.
Places I've seen them: Broadmoor in Natick, Wachusett Meadow in Princeton.

Violet (Variable) Dancer - Argia fumipennis (female above, male below)
Common purple damselfly. Females are tan with dark patterning on their tails, but overall tan. Males are more likely near water but I've found them everywhere. They land knee height or lower most of the time. If you sit still enough they will land on you or your clothes.
Places I've seen them: Skunknett River in Barnstable, Broadmoor in Natick, Stony Brook in Norfolk, My Back Yard.