Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Pesky Termites
We had the roof fixed and parts inside shored up, but I was thinking we'd have to demolish it soon and start over as there isn't any structure left to the bottom. I kind of want to rip out the south side and add glass to use it as a quasi greenhouse, but needed support at the bottom to attach. I also wanted to get it squirrel proof so they will stop storing acorns in all the pots I store.
While I was digging out a few rotted chunks of wood I found the main culprits of the sinking. Termites. They were eating the front support beams of the shed in addition to the planting beds that sat in front of it. So today I dug up all the plants from that bed and removed the dirt so at least some of their food is gone. (And so when we crunch the shed I won't have to worry about any plants.)
I have to go around the yard and check all the wood beds to see which ones have attracted termites (so far the pond most definitely has them.) Thankfully the one at my back door actually near the house foundation appears to have dry rot rather then termites. That one I have to replace as soon as possible with something not made of wood just in case. We will also be demolishing the old wood pile even though it isn't particularly near the house. Mom does not like the idea of termites and we're trying to remove some attractive territory.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Heavenly Blue
Monday, August 29, 2011
Left Hanging
Above is a picture from today of the precarious chunk of tree now hanging above my driveway. Some smaller branches, only 10 or so feet long did fall, but this one got caught on itself and then stuck around some steel cables that anchor a telephone pole in our yard. It barely even swung in the wind yesterday and I didn't notice it until late in the storm. Obviously the tree itself isn't looking so good, so will likely get taken down completely, or heavily trimmed. The winter moths we have now in MA have been stripping this tree for a few years so it isn't in the best of health anyway.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Vermont Clouds
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Surprise Pink Phlox
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Water Droplets on Fern
Friday, August 19, 2011
Soaker Hose Surgery

So I've been missing. Here's one thing I was doing. The lettuce finally bolted in early August so I dug it all up and started fresh. New lettuce from seeds as well as a few experiments. I'll be covering it in plastic as it gets colder so I'm trying to see what might grow in the cooler fall under cover I also wove the soaker hose through the garden bed so watering would be easier, I forgot to do it in the Spring.
To get the soaker hose to fit in the bed in neat rows I had to bend it at some sharp angles. I finally turned it on a few days ago (too much rain to need it before then) and only some of it would work. The angles had cut off the water travel space too much. Grr.
A few weeks ago I went on a farm tour with my mother and lusted after their drip watering system. All the ones I looked up would only work on 18" spacing and cost an arm and a leg or needed lots of setup (micros drip watering). So I went out and looked at hose fittings. I got 4 female hose menders, 4 male hose menders, 3 2-way shutoffs and 4 hose caps. I then chopped the existing 5/8 soaker hose I had into pieces putting the ends on and attaching it all to the shutoffs. (I could have gotten a 4 way splitter, but it would have been $15 bucks, and 3 2-way splitters only cost $3.75, however they will have to be replaced eventually and brought in before winter as cold temps will cause them to crack and start to leak.) I also might have managed to end the hoses with wire folding them closed rather then male fittings and caps, but I wanted the option of stringing them together again.

I now have 4 equalish lengths of soaker hose hooked into the splitters and laid straight along the bed. (I considered buying a new flat soaker hose too, but I figured I should take apart what I already had first.) And it works perfectly. I even had enough menders to make the leftover piece usable as well. Next year I'm laying soaker hose along all the beds fed from rain barrels. I'll also be adding at least one more bed due to my mother's new local food desires (she watched Food, Inc., and I read Tomatoland either of which will make you organic and local food nuts). We're likely also getting a dying tree removed and the other big tree trimmed so we can have more light for vegetable gardening.
I also may need to do this again later because this isn't so much a soaker hose now as a spraying hose with tons of pinholes in it causing it to spray water above the plants. The next time I try tomatoes I want to avoid getting them too wet by spraying, and this hose likely won't manage it.
Assassin Bug
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assassin bug - zelus luridus |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Finally a Male Widow Skimmer
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Mantis on Strawberry
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
More Yard Visitors
Monday, August 15, 2011
Crimson Pirate
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Banded Pennant
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Banded Pennant -Male |
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Female Meadowhawk
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Male Eastern Forktail
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Eastern Forktail - Male |