Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Angry Birds
Monday, January 30, 2012
Rainbow Dog
Friday, January 27, 2012
Content Kitty
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Just Snow
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Simple Plate Shelf

A few weeks ago I slightly reorganized my cabinet and ended up with my smaller plates stacked on top of the bigger ones. It was slowly driving me mad. I have more salad type plates as I use them for eating, but the bigger ones are for food prep, so I was yanking them out regularly anyway, and it was taking two hands.
Being completely unwilling to spend money on the solution I stewed for a bit before taking a plate downstairs and making the freaking shelf. I can't add too many more large plates, but I can grab them with one hand now. It's just two pieces of 1 x 6 I had in the basement cut to the size I needed. I put two screws through the side of the cabinet, but left the bottom side loose. It is only holding a few plates. And yes I can now see the screws next to the sink, but my cabinets are 30 year old white melamine, they have plenty of problems beyond two tiny screw holes.
Snow and Hawk
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Snowy Hawk

So it finally snowed in MA, well it's still snowing, but yesterday was the tease. It was nice and sunny in the morning so I convinced the dogs to let me take pics of them in the snow, some hot dogs may have been involved. I kept hearing hawk calls but couldn't spot the hawk. Eventually, I found it in some trees behind my yard. I went in and got my crappy telephoto lens and took some pics. The hawk was kind enough to fly to another tree with a better view. My guess is a red-shouldered hawk, but I couldn't get a great angle and I had to leave early to go to work.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Christmas Cactus Blooming

I would almost kill for a greenhouse. Then I could surround myself with blooming plants for the winter and spend less time bemoaning our lack of snow. I'd take credit for getting this plant to bloom, but all I did was keep it alive through summer when I picked it up on the side of the road. A 2 foot wide Christmas cactus for free.
Sand Boa equals Pet Rock
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Jewel Orchid Flowers

The flower spike last week. More of the flowers are open now, and the other plant in my bedroom is just starting to open (then my mini blind attacked it and crushed some chunks of the plant off).
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Waiting For Snow
Monday, January 16, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Jewel Orchid Blooms
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Playing with the Sewing Machine
Did I mention my sister is wonderful to haul this 17lb sewing machine around three airports just for me :)

I've been mostly playing with it. I have a few projects in mind, but they are all missing some part (zippers and stuffing primarily) so are sort of on hold. I have made a basic reversible fleece hat, two draft blockers and spent some time playing with the stitch settings.

Look at all the pretty stitches the machine can make. I even read the instruction manual so now know how the buttonhole foot works and what those other feet are actually for.
Sleeping Snake
I re homed a rescue ball python a few weeks ago and her new owners were amazed by Char's size. They'd seen the baby corn snakes at the store and found it hard to believe my 4 1/2 foot pet was the same species. As I always told people back when I worked at a pet store. Always consider the adult size of your pet. Corn Snakes get up to 6 feet long. They average 12"-14" in a pet store as babies. If you don't want a potentially 6 foot long snake, pick a different species.
Friday, January 6, 2012
An Attempt at Snow
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Furry Frost
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Sewing Machine

On first glance it may look as if I got a sewing machine for Christmas. Technically that is true. My sister dragged my sewing machine onto two planes and across a few airports to bring it back to me. I'd hauled it out to North Dakota over a year ago when I thought I was moving, and have dearly missed it since. My good snow shoes are still out there. I spent some of today trying to remember how to use it and making little pillows my sister requested. I only have five or so projects I need to do now.
I need two more dog beds, I just need stuffing and zippers. The curtains in my living room need bottom seams as I just chopped them off with scissors to keep the dogs from shredding the bottoms. I have to devise a curtain for my new metal back door that is light enough to hang with magnets. I want to make curtains for my bedroom, a temperature blocking curtain for the critter room, and a curtain to keep the heat in my bedroom from the hall.