Friday, June 29, 2012
Early Grapes
This year I'm going to have to cage the grape vine so I can let the grapes ripen all the way. I also caved and brought two other bagged grape vines on clearance for a few dollars each. Both are white dessert grapes, my preferred type. The Reliance grapes on this older vine are red.
Daily Photo,
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Miniature Rose
Roses aren't really my cup of tea. Mostly because I have three rose 'bushes', and all three have withered down to one stick. One is almost 4 feet tall, but again a single stalk with one flower a year from each. They aren't quite worth the space I'm providing. If I'm not going to constantly spray them for aphids they don't survive. The canker worms have also been munching their first leaves to swiss cheese so long term survival seems unlikely.
Daily Photo,
Friday, June 22, 2012
Monadnock Bonus
I believe the trail is somewhere over to the left in this picture. I use trail very loosely, it wasn't sheer rock, but it was mighty challenging. I'm also bringing the light camera next time.
Daily Photo,
Mt Monadnock
My cousin convinced me that climbing Mt. Monadnock in 90 degree weather was a good idea. This is a view from one of the false peaks you get to well before the summit.
Daily Photo,
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Heart Rock
Found by my cousin and dutifully photographed before being tossed in the ocean. The only thing that slightly bugs me the the darkness of the shadow. On looking it over again, it makes it look a bit strange, as if I plunked the stone there with Photoshop. It was very early afternoon and the sun was still quite high when I took this.
Daily Photo,
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Spectacle Island Beach
One of several uses for spectacle island was a garbage dump. This is quite clear as you wander the beach. In sections there is actually more sea glass then rock. in addition to bricks, ceramic dish pieces and other flotsam worn smooth by the ocean.
Daily Photo,
Monday, June 18, 2012
Yesterday, I wandered around George's Island in Boston Harbor. We also visited Spectacle Island. The fort was quite impressive, and next time I'll think to bring a flashlight, as there were plenty of interesting passageways, but most were quite dark. Lots of geese and seagulls were hanging around looking for missed food.
Daily Photo,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Water Beetle
I've gotten water striders in the pond before, but this one is my first beetle. I certainly hope to see more critters as the year progresses.
Daily Photo,
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Blue Pots
Okay, they're really totes with holes drilled in the bottom. So far I have three blue ones and a slightly smaller green one. I'm trying to get rid of all the wood, and I'm putting the last few plants in these totes and leaving them in the area the dogs have access to. Otherwise the yard is a barren wasteland of mulch. The pots aren't that attractive, but they're cheap and I had some on hand. I do need at least one more though.
Daily Photo,
Monday, June 11, 2012
Rose Champion
I moved lots of seedlings of these guys last year, but was disappointed none bloomed. This year all are blooming. I guess it needs some time to get some size before blooming.
Daily Photo,
Friday, June 8, 2012
Ladybug Larvae
There's a bit a plague of these guys going around. I expect the trees were having aphid problems and the rain washed down the ladybug larvae. I've found dozens of them all over one half of the yard.
Daily Photo,
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Common Whitetail - Color Change
This is a male common whitetail. It's wings have shifted colors and the body should follow. Right now it has a female colored body. I'm really loving my new pond setup. Dragonflies and Damselflies are always perching on the pavers around the edges. I've also got more interesting pond bugs showing up since I have no fish now.
Daily Photo,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
2 Weeks - False Sunflower

Well almost two weeks later. In other news I got everything I wanted in the ground planted then spring bagged plants went on half-price clearance. Grr. I brought home a day lily (okay 6 in one bag), some bleeding heart (3), a 'Niagara' grape vine, another peony, and then found a blooming Blue Flag Iris and some Japanese Forest Grass (Hakonechloa macra). I'm inundated with pots again and almost out of potting soil.
Carnation Pink
I'm not sure exactly what variety this one is, and I may or may not have the label any more. It's pretty and it made it through the last 4 days of rain quite well. The peonies got flattened, so I needed something else to concentrate on.
Daily Photo,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Hakonechloa Grass
I feel so indulgent. I spent Sunday in CT and went to the Comstock, Ferre and Co. Heirloom Festival. I got some pretty grass and another iris.
Daily Photo,
Monday, June 4, 2012
Geranium maculatum Seeds
If left alone the seeds will be flung from the plant as their holders dry. Once the holders (totally not the scientific name) are black all the way down the seeds can be removed. they should be planted immediately and kept moist until the following spring when they will sprout.
Daily Photo,
Friday, June 1, 2012
Female Common Whitetail
At any given time there are three to four dragonflies circling my yard now. It only took two years of keeping the pond fish free and I seem to have quite a dragonfly supply. I'm going to try to pick up some floating plants to see if that helps them some more.
I'm beginning to suspect I just like things with the word dragon in their name. While in New York I spotted a fern labeled dragon tail and almost bought it with no idea of its care requirements. (Turns out its a naturally occurring hybrid native fern. It could have even been able to live outside.) It wasn't even that cool looking. Of course I aso spotted a possum tail fern I rather liked.
I'm beginning to suspect I just like things with the word dragon in their name. While in New York I spotted a fern labeled dragon tail and almost bought it with no idea of its care requirements. (Turns out its a naturally occurring hybrid native fern. It could have even been able to live outside.) It wasn't even that cool looking. Of course I aso spotted a possum tail fern I rather liked.
Daily Photo,
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