I saw my first Spring Peeper this summer, though my first guess was a young gray tree frog. It was not excited to see me at all, and since it was only an inch long, I didn't get any great pics out of it, just ones good enough to tell what it was. I did a little better with the wood frog I found on the otherside of the path a minute later.
Same day got my first in focus hummingbird with only one chance. I heard a buzzing noise and turned just as it landed above me. It stared at me for a minute then buzzed off. I expect it was trying to figure out if my bright red shirt was edible... Looks like a female Ruby- Throated.
Since it's been raining almost nonstop for a few weeks now, fungus is everwhere. I'll be the first to admit I have no idea what most of it is.
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