While browsing my local overpriced big box store I wandered over to cameras. I'm quite attached to canons, even though plenty of other brands seem to take perfectly fine pictures. I'm still stuck on canon. So I poked around with the cheaper Canons. I looked at the clearance cams, decided they weren't for me and spotted a funny shaped Canon in the ultra compact area. Unlike just about every ultra compact out there is wasn't a perfect unadorned rectangle. It was as several people have described a rounded brick.
It was a Canon Powershot A470. In slight fiddling with the back I discovered that it had no viewfinder and no aperture or shutter speed control. Slight problem, but workable. I turned it to manual to see how the macro worked, and discovered it has SUPER MACRO...I haven't seen that feature in anything but the Canon S series, and the SX10IS that is coming out this month.
Three days later after numbers of reviews, and a few searches on flickr for cloud pics taken by this camera I got one from Amazon for $30 bucks less than the local big box. I've had it 3 days. I was somewhat limited yesterday by working, but today I had off. I meandered taking okay cloud pics (not the camera's fault, the clouds weren't great, but I was curious) and found in addition to super macro, it has an infinity focus, which is handy since it has no manual focus at all.
It's focusing modes more than make up for its very slow refresh rate from flash photos, and the glare problem it has in sunlight due to no viewfinder. So far I'm quite happy with my new backup camera, at least until I get my hands on the new Canon Powershot SX10IS.
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