After two years of shooting with this camera I finally caved and bought an adapter, though it was an aftermarket adapter, hence the tape. I've been wanting to play with filters for a while now, but couldn't bring myself to pay 30 bucks for a plastic adapter. I got a metal one on eBay for $14.50 with free shipping. Though it did take over a week to arrive. I then went and got some cheap filters to experiment with, most especially a circular polarizer.
The only downside of all this is while waiting for the adapter to arrive, I finally made up my mind on my next camera. I'm going to try a Canon XSi. It's a 12.2 mega pixel DSLR, that also uses SD cards, which I now have a ton of (though they might be too slow.) All told I'll be spending over $1,000 on my new camera and 2 lenses. There goes a chunk of my bonus. Technically the camera and it's kit lens aren't that expensive, but I'm getting a dedicated macro lens too, at the same time, or I would never justify $400-$600 on one lens.
I decided on it after reading many reviews, seeing test shots, holding the camera, and seeing a very funny forum post. It said someone who wanted the camera had taken 3,000 pictures with his point-and-shoot, so he thought it was time to move up. My S3 just rolled over again to 20,000 pictures, well technically it was in November. I've moved up to 21,326 as of yesterday. So if someone who took 3,ooo pictures thinks it's time to upgrade, I should probably upgrade as well.
I was going to move to the SX10, but I've been unimpressed by the photos it's been taking, and it can't use filters, which just pisses me off. I've also found I really dislike the wheel they moved to from the S3's design. It does not respond as smoothly as just clicking. That's after 4 visits to Best Buy just to hold it and mess with the settings.
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