Before we went all Survivalist Camp on the garden fences we had tiny push in wire fences. Those survived the dogs for about a week. Next we got the taller push down fences, also not really dog proof. Wooden posts with chicken wire, turns out one of the dogs liked snapping those. They also don't stand up well to 50 pound dogs running into them full speed. Finally I pounded in 4 foot metal poles and put the chicken wire on that. Worked for a while, though one dog kept trying to sneak around the fences. Over this winter all the dogs learned to jump the fences. I'd also periodically find one in the beds that weren't surrounded like Fort Knox.
After the big fence went up last weekend I started taking down all the small fences that had been in it. Now those are getting shifted around the yard to some raised beds that didn't have the best protection. Seems overkill to attach 2 x 4's to those beds and staple 3 foot high chicken wire on them. But, I'm not going to find any of the dogs eating my hostas again, or digging holes in the vegetable garden. Mind you the holes are so much more fun in the garden since the dogs haven't compacted that soil to the hardness of concrete yet.
Now I have a huge pile of 4 foot high metal fence posts. Kind of funny that several of them are so bent I'm amazed they aren't broken. I guess unlike the wooden posts those ones stood up to the dogs. Or at least stayed standing after they got hit.
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