Thursday, December 10, 2009
I'm Bored
Well, maybe not really bored. I've done nothing productive for the last 2 days. I discovered that blogger changed the Next blog button so it isn't random anymore. This has let me to clicking on it a lot top see what blogger thinks might interest me. Seems I get a lot of bird photography. I find this interesting since I don't actually end up with a lot of bird photos. It also remembers now where you've visited before, so if you click on a blog of the day about poker, suddenly you get nothing but gambling blogs for a while. I'm not really impressed. I'd rather it let you click something like "I like this one", "I don't like this one", so it would be actual recommendations, not so badly aimed.
I have found lots of new blogs to check out, even with the wonky button. So I've wasted a ridiculous amount of time reading what other people are doing, but not actually doing anything. I did buy some camera stuff off eBay to play with but since it's eBay I don't expect to see it until at least next week. Really though it's just lens hoods, and some close-up filters to experiment with.
If I can find somewhere that rents extension tubes or tele-extenders I have a bit of playing I want to do with both, but I'm not quite willing to spend $500 yet just to play with them. From what I understand I could hook a tele-extender to my 100 mm macro if I put an extension tube between them. From meandering on Flickr I came up with the idea of both items. I want to get a bit closer to the dragonflies, and It would be nice to have any hope at all of photographing a bird as more than a moving dot.
I am going to be putting some bird feeders up in my front yard, where the light is better around dawn, and they're close to clean windows I can maybe photograph through. I have bird feeders out in the yard, but they're all so far away and at such back angles I can barely tell what landed on them. The other advantage of the front yard is they would be under a big pine tree which has already killed the grass behind it, so the sunflower seed wouldn't do as much damage.
I hate not including a photo, so here you go. An early photo from my cheap cloud camera.

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