I would label them but the id chart I found cleaning my bedroom last week has since disappeared again. (edit: found the chart)
(Cairns Birdwing - ornithoptera priamus)
I think this was a new one. (Gray Cracker - Hamadryas februa)
So was this one. (Indian Leaf - Kallima paralekta)
(no id)
Some kind of swallowtail, also new. (Giant Swallowtail - Papilio thoas)
The Blue Morpho that I hauled around on my pants for a while before I noticed it. (Blue Morpho - Morpho peleides)
(Zebra Longwing - Heliconius charitonia)
This guy was just getting mobbed by the common zebras. (no id)
Glasswings, my personal favorite. (Glasswing - Greta oto)
(Cairns Birdwing - ornithoptera priamus)
(Heliconius sp.)
My mother's favorite. (Cairns Birdwing - ornithoptera priamus)

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