I got up this morning, and though I didn't make it out as early as I wanted, I did get out early. there had been no frost at my house, but the parking lot at Moose hill had a number of nice arrangements.
i snuck up on three deer with my new obsessive walking method, also known as paying attention to what you're stepping on and stopping every few steps to glance around and listen.
The weirdly warm temperatures we've been having appear to be tricking a few of the plants. The forsythia was blooming in patches and the skunk cabbage was visible in the marsh.
I flipped the camera upside down to use my flash fro below on the next pic. I took a bunch in the standard configuration, but was getting very harsh shadows. Turning the camera upside down eliminated the problem. it made clicking the shutter a bit awkward however.
The boardwalk was very thinly coated in ice. Not quite enough to slip, but every few steps one food might slide where you didn't expect.
Winter view of the swamp boardwalk. After a few snows those nice pale grasses will be flat.

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