Just for me to remember what I did today
Got rid of old seeds on craigslist, and got my first Thank You note from someone picking something up for free. Moved Ginko Craig hosta, dug up and gave away dozens of baby hosta plants. Weeded back door planting bed. Moved ornamental onions to back yard and planted. Cleared some of the leaves from the back door planting bed area. Needs to dry out before I finish. Trimmed dead blooms from lilac bush.
Dug up tulips, extra daffodils, ferns, phlox and crocus from front of shed, ferns and phlox replanted, bulbs waiting under cover for thunderstorm to end (which probably won't be until Sunday:P).
To Do: Move and trim ugly spirea near shed. Decide about mint next to shed and flatten out bed. Evict Chipmunks from shed, and under shed if possible. After a full day of no rain, till yard. Figure out what to do with salvage windows.
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