So last week it was 80° F, and this week it's 28° F, got to love New England weather. Week before last I planted out some peas, radishes and lettuce under cover. The peas started coming up quickly with the radishes and lettuce a bit slower to follow. That week of hot weather did help a little. I also planted some peas inside and put them out last week. They're further along just because they had the warmer start. This week I made some seed tapes with radishes, beets, carrots and lettuce, historically veggies I am awful about spacing correctly. I'm trying to wait until the test lettuce I just planted comes up before I make anymore.
Peppers are up in pots inside, as are a few eggplant. Tomatoes were planted Monday and should be up sometime next week. I have huge amounts of moving to do in the garden outside. I had lots of work to do last week that kept me from doing as much outside as I wanted to. The cement block outline for the pond is set up but still needs to be filled with dirt and have the liner installed and trimmed. Then everything has to be moved and a few of the lilies will probably have to be re-homed as the pond is shrinking a bit.
Hopefully, next week will be warmer and I can start my obsessive shifting. I want to make two long garden beds across the yard, and finish moving the pond to it's new location.
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