Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is Coming...if it feels like it

So far I've bought two gardening books this month. Hopefully they'll be my only ones of the season. I managed to restrain myself quite well so far about plants in bags, and seeds. I only got one bag of Ostrich Ferns (6 roots for $5) and some pepper seeds. Realistically I already have enough seeds for the other vegetables to last for years. In my seed starting I've started 12 lettuce seeds, and I'm trying to start 12 pepper seeds. The pepper seeds were started almost 12 weeks before planting time since they take absolutely forever outside to do anything, and I have enough light inside to hopefully keep them happy until Late May - Early June. They also give me something to concentrate on while the ice layer in the yard gives way to mud. The muddy sections look kind of like we keep pigs and they've been turning over the soil until you get close and see this. Unless I get sod it will look like this until June, when some annual grasses will emerge in a few sections of the yard. We've tried seed dozens of times and all it gets us is annual grasses. It takes too long, and can't stand up to dogs for well over a year.

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