Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vegetables and Me

I feel I should admit this. I don't eat anything that I grow in the garden. I'm not a salad person, I've been unimpressed with tomatoes unless they're in sauce and most of the fruit I eat is tropical. I'd have quite the garden in say Florida. This year I'm trying again to grow cantaloupe melons, because it's the only thing I am likely to actually eat from the garden. I've tried sweet potatoes for several years, and it just never works out. We don't have a long enough period of frost free days to let them get bigger than red roots 1/2 an inch thick. Keep in mind I start the veggies inside in March, and keep them alive until late September or October. I do a ridiculous amount of work for something I don't even eat. My mother gets all the benefits of the garden, with almost no work on her part, beyond buying things like 4 foot fencing... Apparently I just like growing things. In the last 4-5 days I've planted about 200 seeds, some outside under cover, but most are in seed trays in the basement joining the peppers that have been there for almost a month. I'm experimenting with starting pepper seeds very early and maybe getting some peppers out of them before October unlike last year. This year I'm trying to concentrate on the more expensive plants, so tomatoes, organic lettuce, and peppers are the main point. I'm keeping in some radishes, some carrots, scallions that overwintered, a few beets, maybe some peas, and french green beans. I'll also be trying Cucumbers again, though it seems I refuse to water them enough to get good fruits out of them. I also hopefully planted all the tomato seeds I'm going to need. Who really needs 30 tomato plants anyway?

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