I'm being lazy again. You're only going to get what's new this week. I spent too much time weeding to post 30 flowers. I recommend never letting weed grass get knee high before ripping it up. I'm also building a new Hosta bed, so that post will be up sometime this week if I finish. I also spotted a hummingbird for about 12 seconds this week, so now I'm trying to keep up with a feeder too.
What's blooming Now: Wild Bergamont, Turk's Cap Lilies, Unnamed Day lily, Crimson Pirate Day lily, Sunflowers, Coreopsis, two different Black Eyed Susans, Shasta Daisys, Purple Garden Phlox, Roses, Bee Balm 3 kinds, Hostas 4 or 5, Spiderwort, Violas, Milkweed 3 kinds, Blanketflower, Bug Bane, Bleeding Heart Fringed, Coneflowers 4, Gayfeather, Balloon Flower, Yarrow 3 kinds, Jasione, Ivy Geranium and Joe-Pye Weed.
^My Not-Dream Legacy Day lily^^Turk's Cap Lily^^Ivy Geranium I torture over the winter inside.It takes it months to recover enough to flower again. ^^Mini Rose - Orange^^Fringed Coreopsis^^Hosta - Golden Tiara^^Joe-Pye Weed^^Yarrow^^Can't remember I'll check the tag tomorrow^
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