Since Saturday dawned quite nicely I decided to go out and about. I went to Stony Brook after making sure there were not any attractions at Gillette Stadium to make returning impossible. I spent some time stalking the Ebony Jewelwings (Calopteryx maculata) and annoying a female Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis) before deciding I'd had enough.
I then wandered around Moose Hill for about an hour, though most of my photos were of a Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) in the parking lot. The Saturday Daily Photo was also from Moose Hill.
After staring at maps for a bit I decided to go somewhere new and decided on WachusettMeadow in Princeton MA. After only one major wrong turn I got there, even though I found Audubon's directions overly complicated. It wasn't bad, even though I only walked around the North and South meadows due to lots of deer flies. I actually left early due to the flies too, so maybe it wasn't that great. So far this year though it is the only place I've seen Twelve Spotted Skimmers (Libellula pulchella), which are dragonflies with alternating black and white patches on their wings. Unfortunately the wanted to perch in an inaccessible part of the pond, and would periodically come out and perch where I could see them, but I'd get attacked by a deer fly each time and scare them, so I gave up getting a better pic.
The pond in the north meadow also has some of the tamest frogs I've seen anywhere but Garden in the Woods. You could also see just about every step in the metamorphosis with tadpoles, legged tadpoles and frogs with tails all in addition to some HUGE adults.
I also saw a bunch of these, though I'm not quite sure what they are my brain screamed leech. Not sure how well anyone can see, but they also have a red belly I didn't manage to photograph.
There was also this interesting little spider. I went by it twice, and the first time it seemed to just be walking along. The next time I went by I switched lenses to take more pics and it ballooned away. Apparently it had been making a wind catching web because it didn't like it's location.
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