Well, it took another trip to HD, (measuring issue needed another 6 foot board, and another box of screws) and I had to remove the top shelf and replace it because even though I did the math three times the sides were about 3/4" too short. The top shelf is about 3/16" taller than all the other ones. I've got wood putty in the holes, we'll see if it sticks to the screws like I hope it will. I'm hoping since I bothered with the wood putty I will actually paint it. It's still not attached to the wall, which might help encourage me to paint it, though I really just want to attach it and bring all those books downstairs. To top everything off the battery charger for my drill died and now I have to decide whether I want to hunt one down on eBay or just buy a new drill, the price difference is only 10 bucks.
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