For the last 5 or so years I've been without a headboard. I've always liked the mission style wood ones, but I am unwilling to spend that kind of money on a headboard. The head of my bed rests against a knee wall, so I didn't have a lot of height. Also, the wall behind it isn't insulated, so a secondary use of a headboard is keeping my head, pillows and bed warmer in the Winter.
Since I have a full-size bed I bought a piece of 1/2" or so plywood that was 54" x 27". I bought 60" of 27" wide NU-Foam, i.e. a polyester based foam replacement, and 2 yards of my chosen 44" wide fabric. I lay out the NU-Foam, stapled it around the plywood tightly, then stapled the fabric over that. I also bought polyester batting to put between the fake foam and the fabric but ended up deciding I didn't need it. It might be a requirement if you use real upholstery foam, but the price of that kept me away, 28 bucks or so per yard at only 24" wide. In the below picture it isn't yet secured to the wall, but overall I like the effect.
I know the pattern clashes horribly with my sheets. I picked it for the colors, which I love. I'm going to either make a new comforter or buy one that matches.
Closeup of the fabric pattern. I'm going to have to go back to get more fabric for a valence or curtains, probably a valence as curtains in that pattern would probably be too much.
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