Since I very well may be moving to Minot around July I'm clearing out stuff I don't need, want, or ever use. (I also keep looking up tiny houses online.) I shredded a couple pounds of bank statements, credit card bills, phone bills and gas or electric bills today. The shredding was in addition to the other 10 lbs I just recycled. I have apparently been saving all my returned checks from when I first opened a checking account and all the statements from my bank before it was bought out which was a good number of years ago. I had payment coupons to a school loan that was refinanced and was no longer with that company (and I saw I was saving 60 bucks a month with that refinance.) I also really didn't need the photocopied readings from my art history class in college. When am I ever going to need any of those things? All they were doing was taking up space.
I have over 250 science fiction or fantasy books I need to get gone ( I still have 350 or so I actually want.) They're all books I either read once and didn't really like, or the beginning of a series I found went south or even freaking brand new but I've owned them for going on 5 years and never had interest in opening them. If no one on craigslist bites I'm going to donate them to the Dedham library, which is apparently having a book sale in a few weeks and needs more books. They might even pick them up with the number I have.
I'm also getting rather annoyed at how nothing holds it's value and even less increases with age anymore. Just about everything I own is mass produced junk. It is no longer just cars that halve in value as soon as it's bought... I have tons of stuff with next to zero resale value but I'm likely not going to be able to take it with me and I want to limit the stuff I leave behind. Right now I'm working on getting rid of the stuff that is just taking up space.
That said anyone want some Jurassic Park Trading Cards? I have 3 complete sets and I am trying very hard to not do the math on how much it cost to make those sets that have a resale value of $5 in mint condition.
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