Monday, March 8, 2010

Daily Photo - Max

Apparently Max had been feeling crappy for longer than I noticed. This week she has been a brat. She's shredding stuff on my desk, trying to eat my shoes, and meandering about the bed willingly. I've heard plenty of random bouts of singing and begging to be out as well. She's back to carrying her food pellets across the cage to dip them in her water. And last night she begged some popcorn, which was decidedly odd. A few times I've tried to give her popcorn and had no reaction. Last night she was dancing back and forth singing until I gave her a piece. I broke up some other ones and she quite happily ate them. (It was unsalted air popped popcorn if anyone was worried.) This from a bird I almost have to coerce to believe that little bits of fruit aren't poison and who has never before begged me for food. Maybe she'll eat some other things now.


Jules said...

Beautiful 'tiel. I have two myself and one looks a LOT like Max. Her name is DJ. Mine still think fruit might poison them!

tokapuppy said...

Thanks. I have found that if the fruit is in very small pieces she will at least touch it, but no eating that I've seen yet.