Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday's Project

A few weeks ago I moved Licorice down from my attic into my second bedroom, aka the reptile room (easier to clean floors.) He's had a pressure mounted gate setup since then, raised off the floor, so he could slide under it. Of course raising it makes it just a little too high to walk over. I don't need anything higher than 24" to keep the dogs out, so I took some of the plywood I had lying around and built this. It's 24" high, the width of the door and on hinges on the right. A little hook latch keeps it closed on the left. Since it's so short stepping over it is much less of a chore. It also blocks a lot of Licorice's view, so he'll be less likely to come out and jump Abby just for walking by. It's made out of 1/4" ply so is very light and not a real barrier to the dogs, mostly a psychological one. Since they just want to eat his food rather than the cat that's good enough for me. It's also so light that you can open or close it with a nudge, making it much easier to water and feed the other critters.

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